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Отключаем ненужные службы в Windows Longhorn

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27.01.2004 23:17 | Nickolay

Идите сюда Start --> Run and type Services.msc
Теперь отключите данные сервисы и службы

Automatic Updates
Base Firewall Engine
Biometric Resource Manager
Castle Service
Certificate Propogation
Computer Data Synchronization Manager
Digital ID Management Service
Error Reporting Service
Font Cache Service
Fusion Isolation Service
ICF/ICS - Firewall and connection sharing
IPSEC Services
Logon Hours
Offline Files Service
Parental Control Auditing
Remote Registry
Secondary Logon
Software Licensing Service
SSDP Discovery Service
System Maintenance Service
System Restore Service
Universal Plug and Play Device Host

Performance Options:

Теперь идите сюда Computer properties --> Advanced Tab, под Performance options нажмите на Settings button.

Отключите следующее:

Animate Windows when Minimizing and Maximizing
Fade or slide menus into view
Fade or slide tool tips into view
Fade out menu items after clicking
Show preview and filters in folders (VERY IMPORTANT)
Show shadows under menus
Show translucent selection rectangle
Slide open combo boxes
Slide taskbar buttons
Smooth edges of screen fonts
Smooth-scroll list boxes
Use a background image for each folder type

Теперь откройте Computer и идите сюда Tools --> Folder Options, кликните по View Tab и отключите следующее:

Automatically search for network folders and printers
Choose smart icons when opening new windows
Display file size information in folder tips
Display simple folder view in explorer's folder list
Hide extenstions for known file types
Use Domain folder sharing wizard
Use simple file sharing.


Не в сети

Назавёте меня ещё раз на "ВЫ" и я подикаю этот проект

24.02.07 21:31
Для возможности комментировать войдите в 1 клик через

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