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Вот посидел я и подумал... а не пойти ли мелкософту в...понятно куда и решил для тестеров они много чего выложили, наверно кому-нибудь это всё дело понадобится. Так что смотрите и пишите в личку:


Формат файлов

Цель: The Microsoft® Office “12” открывает форматы XML – это новый формат файлов для Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Несколько важных выгод использования этих форматов:

Более легко объединять внешние источники данных в ваши документы

Более лугкий поиск данных и быстрое повторное открытие

Уменьшение размеров файлов в Word, Excel, и PowerPoint

Улучшение восстановления данных в испорченных файлах

Новые форматы установлены по умолчанию. Следующие пункты помогут вам ослабить проблемы сосуществования и переход на новые форматы:

Форматы файлов, в настоящее время используемые в Office 2003 и в предыдущих версиях всё еще доступны в (Office “12”). По умолчанию формат может быть изменен в процессе развертки отделом IT, или, индивидумом.

Обновления доступны для Office 2000, Office XP, и Office 2003, чтобы позволить потребителям, использующим более старые версии Office, открывать, изменять и сохранять файлы в формате Office XML Formats.

Конвертаторы доступны для Office 2000, Office XP, и Office 2003ю Таким образом пользователи, использующие более старые версии Officе смогут открыть файлы создынные при использовании новых форматов файла.

Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005

Аудитория: Все

Новый пользовательский интерфейс

Цель: Новый пользовательский интерфейс заменяет меню, панели инструментов и большинство панелей задач в Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, и в Outlook. Следующие пункты дадат вам больше информации о новом UI, как расширить новый GUI в интересах пользователя:
Краткий обзор Новой Пользовательской Модели Интерфейса (1.57 MB) дает быстрое введение в компоненты нового UI. Выгоды нового пользовательского интерфейса обсуждены в видео Channel9 расположенном на http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=114720 и для всестороннего объяснения новой модели, пожалуйста см. http://blogs.msdn.com/jensenh , который обновляется ежедневно.
Если вы разработчик и хотели бы больше информации и примеров, как возможно настроить и расширить интерфейс смотрите следующие документы:
Office12B1CustomizingRibbonUIforDevelopers.doc (0.29 MB)
RibbonX Quick Reference.doc (0.28 MB)
RibbonX FAQ.doc (0.06 MB)
RibbonX Control ID List.doc (0.10 MB)
RibbonX Schema Definition (customui.xsd) (0.05 MB)
Подробности относительно доступности интерфейса доступны в документе
Keyboard Navigation and MSAA - Changes and Known Issues.doc (0.09 MB).

Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Все

Клиент и пользователь

Getting Started with Web Content Management in Office 12 Server.doc (0.76 MB)
Цель: Этот документ должен помочь клиентам оценивать возможности управления контентом сети Office "12" в Бете 1. Есть несколько секций, нацеленных на администраторов, конечных пользователей, проектировщиков, и разработчиков.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 18, 2005
Аудитория: Клиент и пользователь

JapaneseBeta1Templates.zip (0.09 MB) - Шаблоны
Цель: Многие из шаблонов в японской версии “Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer” (кодовое имя) имеют неправильное шифрование. Замените их этими файлами.

Места в которые следует скопировать скачаное:
Файлы шаблонов: %Program files%\Microsoft Office\Templates\1041\
fpbrowse.htm: %Program files%\Microsoft Office\Office12\1041\
nortbots.htm: %Program files%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\bin\1041\

Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Клиент и пользователь

Keyboard Navigation and MSAA - Changes and Known Issues.doc (0.09 MB)
Цель: Новый UI вносит множественные изменения взаимодействия пользователя со средставами управления с помощью клавиатуры. Первая часть этого документы отображает изменения функциональных возможностей и поведение средств управления, навигации клавиатуры на старом UI по сравнению с новым UI. Вторая часть перечисляет известные проблемы и ограничения обнаруженные в Beta 1, с которыми вы вероятно столкнетесь.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Клиент и пользователь; Разработчики решений

Office12B1OfficeNewClientUIOverview.doc (1.57 MB)
Цель: Эта Белая Книга предназначена, чтобы обеспечить быстрый краткий обзор различных компонентов, которые формируют новую Пользовательскую Модель Интерфейса (GUI).
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Клиент и пользователь

Infopath UDC V2 file format reference.doc (0.13 MB)
Цель: Описание формата файла UDC V2.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Клиент и пользователь; Разработчик решений

Microsoft Office InfoPath 12 - Beta 1 Preview Guide.doc (0.34 MB)
Цель: Руководство предварительного просмотра новых возможностей Microsoft Office InfoPath 12.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Клиент и пользователь; Разработчик решений

InfoPath Labs.zip (1.79 MB)
Цель: Следующие документы «лабораторные работы» содержат упражнения, которые вы можете использовать для ознакомления со многими из возможностей Microsoft InfoPath “12”. Некоторые из этих работ требуют, чтобы вы загрузили дополнительные модули, которые вы найдете на этой странице. Работы известят вас о том как использовать эти файлы. Чотбы скачать все работы сразу InfoPath Labs.zip (1.79 MB).

Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения

Документация для серверных программ в Office “12” (0.06 MB)
Цель: Этот документ обеспечивает список документации, доступной для администраторов и IT для оценки, установки и планированию серферных приложений в Office “12”. Те приложения включают в себя Office “12” SharePoint Servers, Office “12” Project Server, и Windows SharePoint Services "3.0".
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

Установка Windows SharePoint Services на небольшой сервер (0.08 MB)
Цель: Инструкции по установке и настройке Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services "3.0" на маленьком сервере (один Web сервер и один сервер баз данных).
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера

CMS2002PlanningForMigration.doc (0.11 MB)
Цель: Это руководство пользователя предназначено для лиц, принимающих решения, которые решили перейти с Microsoft® Content Management Server 2002 (MCMS 2002) на Microsoft® Office “12” SharePoint® Servers (SharePoint Servers).
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

SharePointServersBeta1Docs.doc (0.04 MB)
Цель: В этом документе рассматриваются ссылки на документацию доступную для Администраторов и IT на Office Online и на сайте BetaPlace Microsoft Office “12” SharePoint Servers.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (предварительный выпуск) SDK [wss3sdk.exe] (19.60 MB)
Цель: Предварительная документация к Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services “3.0” (Beta 1) SDK. Для установки SDK, выполните файл wss3sdk.exe и установите в папку по умолчанию. В папку C:\Windows SharePoint Services\Documentation\Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 [pre-release] SDK\. Для просмотра запустите файл wss3sdk.chm.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

MicrosoftOfficeSharePointServers12[pre-release]SDK.exe (33.16 MB)
Цель: Предаврительная документация к Microsoft Office SharePoint Servers 12 [прендаврительный выпуск] SDK
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

IT/Администратор сервера

Office “12” Resource Kit on Office Online
Цель: Office “12” Resource Kit, Beta 1 документация к Office Online. Содержит 50 бета тем раскрывающих развертку, формат файлов, миграцию, и отправку сообщений для IT Pro.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005

Аудитория: IT/Администратор сервера

Office Server Beta 1 V2V Upgrade Instructions.doc (0.07 MB)
Цель: Документация к обновлению SharePoint Portal Server 2003 серверов до Office “12” SharePoint Server.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: IT/Администратор сервера

Excel_Services_Setup_for_Beta1.doc (0.56 MB)
Цель: Документация описывает процедуру настройки постустановки, которая настраивает функциональные возможности Office "12" SharePoint Servers.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: IT/Администратор сервера

Server Usage Scenarios for Administrators.zip (8.37 MB)
Цель: Zip file containing 27 large (44"x34") Visio diagrams that illustrate how specific Office “12” SharePoint Servers solutions are planned and deployed, including recommended topology, scale path, and design plan. The scenarios highlight elements from the models (such as a specific topology or site hierarchy), and are best understood in relation to the models. Examples: Departmental portal, ISP hosting of WSS sites, corporate Internet presence portal, records management, equities research.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

Server Models for Administrators.zip (6.69 MB)
Цель: Zip file with 22 large (44"x34") Visio diagrams that illustrate specific IT disciplines or aspects of Office “12” SharePoint Servers application design and administration (e.g., server topologies, database administration, site hierarchies, customization).
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

Documentation for server applications in Office “12” (0.06 MB)
Цель: This document provides a list of documentation available for administrators and IT Pros for evaluating, installing, and planning for the server applications in Office “12”. Those applications include Office “12” SharePoint Servers, Office “12” Project Server, and Windows SharePoint Services "3.0".
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

Installing Windows SharePoint Services on a small server farm (0.08 MB)
Цель: Instructions for installing and configuring Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services "3.0" on a small server farm (one Web server and one database server).
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера

ORK12 Feature Deprecation Spreadsheet (Beta 1).xls (0.21 MB)
Цель: This 100-page Beta spreadsheet covers all of the deprecated features in Office “12”. It lists what has been changed, removed, or deleted in all Office apps.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005

Аудитория: IT/Администратор сервера

CMS2002PlanningForMigration.doc (0.11 MB)
Цель: This white paper is intended as a guide for technical decision makers who are considering migrating Microsoft® Content Management Server 2002 (MCMS 2002) applications to Microsoft® Office “12” SharePoint® Servers (SharePoint Servers).
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

SharePointServersBeta1Docs.doc (0.04 MB)
Цель: This document provides links to documentation available for Administrators and IT Pros on Office Online and on the Beta Place site for Microsoft Office “12” SharePoint Servers.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера

Microsoft Office “12” Project (Beta 1) SDK [pj12ProjectSDK.exe] (24.11 MB)
Цель: Preliminary documentation for Microsoft Office 12 Project (Beta) SDK.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005

Аудитория: IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

pj12ProjectSDKSamples.exe (0.48 MB)
Цель: The enclosed sample Microsoft Visual Studio projects are preliminary samples for the Beta 1 release of the Microsoft Office "12" Project (Beta 1) SDK.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (pre-release) SDK [wss3sdk.exe] (19.60 MB)
Цель: This is preliminary documentation for the Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services “3.0” (Beta 1) SDK. To install this SDK, run the self-extracting wss3sdk.exe file and accept the default installation directory. In the C:\Windows SharePoint Services\Documentation\Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 [pre-release] SDK\ folder, double-click the wss3sdk.chm file.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

MicrosoftOfficeSharePointServers12[pre-release]SDK.exe (33.16 MB)
Цель: Preliminary documentation for Microsoft Office SharePoint Servers 12 [pre-release] SDK
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

Разработчик решений

Documentation for server applications in Office “12” (0.06 MB)
Цель: This document provides a list of documentation available for administrators and IT Pros for evaluating, installing, and planning for the server applications in Office “12”. Those applications include Office “12” SharePoint Servers, Office “12” Project Server, and Windows SharePoint Services “3.0.”
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

Server Usage Scenarios for Administrators.zip (8.37 MB)
Цель: Zip file containing 27 large (44"x34") Visio diagrams that illustrate how specific Office “12” SharePoint Servers solutions are planned and deployed, including recommended topology, scale path, and design plan. The scenarios highlight elements from the models (such as a specific topology or site hierarchy), and are best understood in relation to the models. Examples: Departmental portal, ISP hosting of WSS sites, corporate Internet presence portal, records management, equities research.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

Server Models for Administrators.zip (6.69 MB)
Цель: Zip file with 22 large (44"x34") Visio diagrams that illustrate specific IT disciplines or aspects of Office “12” SharePoint Servers application design and administration (e.g., server topologies, database administration, site hierarchies, customization).
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

Office12B1WhatsNewOneNote.doc (0.27 MB)
Цель: This article introduces the new features of interest to developers in Microsoft® Office “12” OneNote® and explains how to use them. Developer-related features include a new COM API that offers new import, export, selection, and search functionality.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

RibbonX Quick Reference.doc (0.28 MB)
Цель: Document contents: schema reference, callback reference, loading images, dynamic update of UI, and understanding ID attributes.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

RibbonX FAQ.doc (0.06 MB)
Цель: Frequently Asked Questions about extensibility of the new User Interface Model.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

RibbonX Control ID List.doc (0.10 MB)
Цель: Beta1 list of IDs for built-in controls.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

RibbonX Schema [customui.xsd] (0.05 MB)
Цель: Schema for extending the new User Interface.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Keyboard Navigation and MSAA - Changes and Known Issues.doc (0.09 MB)
Цель: The new UI brings multiple changes to the way keyboard users interact with the application and controls. The first part of this document outlines the changes made to the functionality and behaviors of controls and keyboard navigation in the old UI versus the new UI. The second part of this document lists the known issues and limitations in the Beta-1 build that you are likely to encounter.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Клиент и пользователь; Разработчик решений

ExcelServicesBeta1Reference.exe (0.88 MB)
Цель: This is preliminary documentation for Microsoft Office “12” SharePoint Servers "Excel Services" (Beta 1). This download contains a few conceptual topics (esmcon12.chm) as well as reference documentation for "Excel Web Services" (eswref12.chm) and "Excel Web Access" (wrmref12.chm).
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Microsoft.Office.InfoPathBeta1.AssemblyClassLibraries.exe (1.29 MB)
Цель: The Microsoft.Office.InfoPath and Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server assembly class libraries contain classes, interfaces, and value types that are included in their respective assemblies. At this time, the documentation contains only the basic structure of the types and members in these assemblies.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1WordCreatingTemplates.doc (0.28 MB)
Цель: Read details of how to create document templates programmatically for Microsoft® Office “12” Word including the new “content controls,” “document building blocks,” and XML mapping. Review some of the newest members of the Office “12” Word object model.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005

Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1PPTWhatsNewForDevelopers.doc (0.16 MB)
Цель: Read an overview of the new features and enhancements in Microsoft Office “12” PowerPoint® presentation graphics program. Enhancements include a new, Open XML file format, programmatic access to custom layouts, and programmatic support for remote presentations running over a network.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1CustomizingRibbonUIforDevelopers.doc (0.29 MB)
Цель: Learn about the scenarios and XML markup that you can use to customize the “Ribbon” user interface (UI) in the next release of Microsoft® Office products, currently code-named Microsoft® Office “12”. The “Ribbon” UI replaces menus, toolbars, and most of the task pane UI in Microsoft Office “12” Editions. For more information on Office “12” features, see the “Ribbon” UI Readme file.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1WordWhatsNew.doc (0.15 MB)
Цель: This white paper provides an overview of new features for developers of the next release of Microsoft Office Word, currently code-named Microsoft Office “12” Word. The white paper reviews content controls, XML mapping, document building blocks, and the Word XML Format as well as other new features.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1AboutNewFileFormatforDevelopers.doc (0.28 MB)
Цель: The new Microsoft Office “12” Open XML Formats introduce a number of benefits for developers, individual users, and organizations. The file format is based on XML and ZIP technologies, thereby making them universally accessible. Because this new format is open, the process of exchanging data between Microsoft Office applications and enterprise business systems is simplified. The file format is also more robust than the binary formats, reducing the risk of lost information due to damaged or corrupted files.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1UsingDocumentInspector.doc (0.19 MB)
Цель: Protecting personal and other sensitive information from getting into the wrong hands has become a top priority for companies and consumers alike. The Document Inspector feature in Microsoft Office “12” provides a single place where you can go to discover what metadata or hidden information exists in your documents. The Document Inspector also has options that can help you can select what action to take to protect or remove the information.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1ClientDevDocSamples.exe (0.36 MB)
Цель: Download these sample files for use with Office “12” Editions (Beta 1) client developer documentation. Includes sample documents and code samples for Excel, IGX, OneNote, and Office.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1WordFileFormat.doc (0.29 MB)
Цель: This white paper walks through the new default file format for the next release of Microsoft® Office Word, currently code-named Office “12” Word. It provides detailed descriptions of the file format architecture and key components and describes ways you can programmatically modify content.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1CreateCustomTaskPanes.doc (0.23 MB)
Цель: Microsoft® Office “12” Editions introduces custom task panes that give you the tools to put the features and information your customers need when and where they want it. Learn how you can use custom task panes in your applications.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1VisioWhatsNewDevelopers.doc (0.42 MB)
Цель: This article introduces the new features of interest to developers in Microsoft Office “12” Visio and explains how to use them. New developer-related features include data connectivity and data display, connecting shapes automatically, and applying theme colors and theme effects. Each of these features has an associated application programmer’s interface (API) which makes it possible to control the feature programmatically. This article provides several VBA code samples showing how to make use of the new APIs. In addition, it lists and describes all new objects and members of the Visio VBA object model, as well as newly deprecated existing members. It also lists and describes new ShapeSheet cells and functions.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1DevelopingCustomIGXGraphics.doc (0.73 MB)
Цель: Learn how to create your own graphic templates for “IGX Graphics,” a new tool for quickly and easily creating designer-quality graphics for your presentations, documents, worksheets, and e-mail messages.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

CMS2002PlanningForMigration.doc (0.11 MB)
Цель: This white paper is intended as a guide for technical decision makers who are considering migrating Microsoft® Content Management Server 2002 (MCMS 2002) applications to Microsoft® Office “12” SharePoint® Servers (SharePoint Servers).
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

Microsoft Office “12” Project (Beta 1) SDK [pj12ProjectSDK.exe] (24.11 MB)
Цель: Preliminary documentation for Microsoft Office 12 Project (Beta) SDK.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005

Аудитория: IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

pj12ProjectSDKSamples.exe (0.48 MB)
Цель: The enclosed sample Microsoft Visual Studio projects are preliminary samples for the Beta 1 release of the Microsoft Office "12" Project (Beta 1) SDK.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (pre-release) SDK [wss3sdk.exe] (19.60 MB)
Цель: This is preliminary documentation for the Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services “3.0” (Beta 1) SDK. To install this SDK, run the self-extracting wss3sdk.exe file and accept the default installation directory. In the C:\Windows SharePoint Services\Documentation\Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 [pre-release] SDK\ folder, double-click the wss3sdk.chm file.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

MicrosoftOfficeSharePointServers12[pre-release]SDK.exe (33.16 MB)
Цель: Preliminary documentation for Microsoft Office SharePoint Servers 12 [pre-release] SDK
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Деловое/Техническое Лицо, принимающее решения; IT/Администратор сервера; Разработчик решений

Office12B1ExcelServicesOverview.doc (1.01 MB)
Цель: This white paper provides an overview of Microsoft® Office “12” SharePoint® Servers “Excel Services” (Beta 1). Its main focus is on the “Excel Web Services” feature.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1AccessDatabaseEngine.doc (0.15 MB)
Цель: This white paper provides an overview of the new features in the Microsoft® Office “12” Access database engine.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1ExcelFileFormatWalkthrough.doc (0.22 MB)
Цель: This white paper walks through the new default file format for the next release of Microsoft® Office Excel®, currently code-named Office “12” Excel. It provides detailed descriptions of the file format architecture and key components, and describes ways you can programmatically modify content.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1OutlookWhatsNewOM.doc (1.46 MB)
Цель: This document provides a top-level view of the enhancements and additions for developers in Microsoft® Office “12” Outlook®. It also provides a deep dive into the new and enhanced objects in the Outlook object model and their properties, methods, and events. For developers who are anxious to get a jump start on the Office “12” Outlook platform, it provides you with sufficient detail to begin coding against Office “12” Outlook.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1OutlookOMGuard.doc (0.31 MB)
Цель: Since the original Outlook object model guard was introduced through the security patch, the places and scenarios involving the object model guard have continued to evolve. For Microsoft® Office “12” Outlook®, the object model guard has been enhanced to continue to protect Outlook users. The information in this document applies to managed and native Outlook COM add-ins.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1InfoPathDevIntro.doc (0.53 MB)
Цель: This article describes new development features in Office “12” InfoPath, such as the new .NET object model. For information regarding the developer features of the Office “12” “Forms” Server, see the article Introduction to Microsoft Office “12” Forms Server
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1OutlookFormRegion.doc (0.52 MB)
Цель: This article provides an overview of new form region extensibility in Outlook.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

Office12B1InfoPathFormServerDev.doc (0.42 MB)
Цель: The Microsoft® Office “12” “Forms” Server (Beta 1) builds upon Windows® SharePoint® Services “3.0” to bring InfoPath form templates to the browser, where editable InfoPath forms are rendered in HTML. Get an overview of developing on the “Forms” Server, including automating administrative tasks.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Разработчик решений

UDC V2 file format reference.doc (0.13 MB)
Цель: A description of the UDC V2 file format.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Клиент и пользователь; Разработчик решений

Microsoft Office InfoPath 12 - Beta 1 Preview Guide.doc (0.34 MB)
Цель: Руководство предварительного просмотра новых возможностей Microsoft Office InfoPath 12.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Клиент и пользователь; Разработчик решений

InfoPath Labs.zip (1.79 MB)
Цель: The following “lab” documents contain exercises that you can use to become familiar with many of the capabilities of Microsoft InfoPath “12”. Some of these labs require you to download additional data files, which you will find on this page. The labs will guide you on how to use these corresponding files in your environment. To download all of these labs at once, download InfoPath Labs.zip (1.79 MB), or download the individual files below.
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 16, 2005
Аудитория: Клиент и пользователь; Разработчик решений

#12549   | 19.11.05 14:05
Не в сети
Сообщений: 54
Благодарностей: 0
Из: Russia Chelyabinsk
Род занятий: student

Other File

Purpose: This tool helps us to identify your usage and crash data. With this information, we can follow up with you personally, when needed, to help us better understand your usage scenarios and your reliability experience. For full information on what this tool does and how we protect your privacy, please select the SQM-Watson Policy link found on the left navigation bar. NOTE: You must install Office “12” BEFORE installing this tool.
Date Posted: November 16, 2005

Audience: Everyone

Microsoft Office “12” Open XML File Format Compatibility Pack
Purpose: The Microsoft Office “12” Open XML Format Compatibility Pack will allow beta testers an initial look at the backwards compatibility support of the new file format for legacy Office applications. Specifically, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2003 beta testers will be able to ‘Open’ and ‘Save As’ the following Office “12” file types:
Word Excel PowerPoint

.docx – Word “12” Document

.docm – Word “12” Macro-Enabled Document

.xlsb – Excel “12” Binary Workbook

.xlsx – Excel “12” Workbook

.xlsm – Excel “12” Macro-Enabled Workbook

.xltx – Excel “12” Template

.xltm – Excel “12” Macro-Enabled Template

.xlam – Excel “12” Add-In

.pptx – PowerPoint “12” Presentation

.pptm – PowerPoint “12” Macro-Enabled Presentation

.potx – PowerPoint “12” Template

.potm – PowerPoint “12” Macro-Enabled Template

.ppsx – PowerPoint “12” Show

.ppsm – PowerPoint “12” Macro-Enabled Show

The Microsoft Office “12” Open XML Format Compatibility Pack [pre-release] is supported for use only with:
Microsoft Word 2003
Microsoft Excel 2003
Microsoft PowerPoint 2003

when installed on a machine with:
Microsoft Windows XP SP1
Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

Required Reading before Install: Since this is an early Beta version of the file format compatibility pack, many features such as IRM, Digital Signatures, and password protection, are not supported in this release. For more information on known issues and supported Office and Windows configurations, see Installing the Microsoft Office XML Format Compatibility Pack.doc and click Known Issues from the left navigation bar. It is recommended that the Beta-1 file format compatibility pack is only installed on non-critical machines. Do not work with irreplaceable files or important documents without making backup copies of these files.
Date Posted: November 16, 2005
Audience: Everyone

RSStoBlogInstaller.exe (0.36 MB)
Purpose: RSStoBlog makes it easy to migrate old posts from your blog’s Web feed to a new SharePoint blog site. This download includes both the RSStoBlog tool and the source code. To install the sample files, run the self-extracting RSStoBlogInstaller.exe file and accept the default installation directory. In the C:\Windows SharePoint Services\Samples\RSStoBlog\ folder, double-click the RSStoBlog Readme.doc file.
Date Posted: November 16, 2005
Audience: Everyone

Client End User

OfficeOnlineBetaControl.zip (0.05 MB)
Purpose: To gain access to the Microsoft Office Online Beta site from a computer other than the one that has the Microsoft Office “12” client applications installed, customers will need to install the Microsoft Office Online Beta Control. This download is primarily for IT professional deployment.
Date Posted: November 16, 2005

Audience: Client End User

A note about the To-Do Bar Flags Categories and Outlook 2003 flags.msg (0.08 MB)
Purpose: The purpose of the file is to prepare Dogfood4 (TAP) Outlook To-Do Bar/flag users for the changes that we have made in Beta-1. Contains steps that all dogfood 4 users should follow before installing Beta-1 so that you have a good start in Beta-1. It also provides an explanation for the changes that you will see in the Beta.

Date Posted: November 16, 2005

Audience: Client End User; IT Professional/Server Administrator

VBE6.DLL version to replace Office 12 Japanese Beta 1 version (2.37 MB)
Purpose: This file replaces the Beta-1 version of VBE6.DLL on Office 12 Japanese version. Currently, the Beta-1 version has a problem with double byte character sets where certain characters in VBA are not able to be entered or read, thus preventing VBA code from properly executing.

To use: Download this file and replace VBE6.DLL, located in Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA6.

Date Posted: November 16, 2005

Audience: Client End User; Expert User; IT Professional/Server Administrator

Windows Workflow Foundation Platform Components Beta 1.2 for x86.exe (2.22 MB)
Purpose: This version of Windows Workflow Foundation is compatible with release versions of Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, and is compatible with Office “12” (Beta 1). The Windows Workflow Foundation Beta 1.2 runtime components are required for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services “3.0” (Beta 1), Office “12” servers (Beta 1), and “FrontPage 12” (Beta 1).
Date Posted: November 16, 2005

Audience: Client End User; Expert User; IT Professional/Server Administrator; Solution Developer

Expert User

VBE6.DLL version to replace Office 12 Japanese Beta 1 version (2.37 MB)
Purpose: This file replaces the Beta-1 version of VBE6.DLL on Office 12 Japanese version. Currently, the Beta-1 version has a problem with double byte character sets where certain characters in VBA are not able to be entered or read, thus preventing VBA code from properly executing.

To use: Download this file and replace VBE6.DLL, located in Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA6.
Date Posted: November 16, 2005

Audience: Client End User; Expert User; IT Professional/Server Administrator

Windows Workflow Foundation Platform Components Beta 1.2 for x86.exe (2.22 MB)
Purpose: This version of Windows Workflow Foundation is compatible with release versions of Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, and is compatible with Office “12” (Beta 1). The Windows Workflow Foundation Beta 1.2 runtime components are required for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services “3.0” (Beta 1), Office “12” servers (Beta 1), and “FrontPage 12” (Beta 1).
Date Posted: November 16, 2005

Audience: Client End User; Expert User; IT Professional/Server Administrator; Solution Developer

IT Professional/Server Administrator

Registry keys for Office Server
Purpose: Simply download the appropriate file below and double-click it. The registry entry will be automatically created for you.

This registry key (BetaServerInstrumentationOn.reg) identifies your server as an Office Server Beta participant.

This registry key (BetaServerInstrumentationOff.reg) removes your Server’s Office Server Beta participant identity.
Date Posted: November 18, 2005

Audience: IT Professional/Server Administrator

Registry keys for Windows SharePoint Services
Purpose: Simply download the appropriate file below and double-click it. The registry entry will be automatically created for you.

This registry key (WSSBetaInstrumentationOn.reg) identifies your server as a Windows SharePoint Services Beta participant.

This registry key (WSSBetaInstrumentationOff.reg) removes your server’s Windows SharePoint Sservices Beta participant identity.
Date Posted: November 18, 2005

Audience: IT Professional/Server Administrator

Enable latest Help content for WSS - ServerHelp [sts.xml] (0.02 MB)
Purpose: Enabling latest help content in BETA1 releases of Sharepoint
Summary: Default SharePoint setup installs the default mapping files and all users are viewing some sample help content. The actual help content is installed on the server but do not display to the users. The purpose of this README is enable latest help content so the end user can access the help content.
Workaround: (For administrators or anyone who is setting up the servers)
1. SharePoint setup MUST complete before going forward with the workaround.
2. Delete or move all existing XML files installed by default setup (generally only 2 files STS.XML and WSSHMAP.XML) from the location on the server [DriveLetter of OS]:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\XML\HELP
Example C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\XML\HELP
3. Click Other File Downloads from the left navigation bar on BetaPlace (http://beta.microsoft.com) to download STS.xml
4. Copy this new STS.xml file into the folder as mentioned in STEP 2 above.

Now every time someone accesses help on this server, the new content will display and users can browse through the help content.
Date Posted: November 16, 2005
Audience: IT Professional/Server Administrator

AuthInstall.msi (0.11 MB)
Purpose: To gain access to the Microsoft Office Online Beta site from a computer other than the one that has the Microsoft Office “12” client applications installed, customers will need to install the Microsoft Office Online Beta Control. This download is primarily for IT professional deployment. For instructions on using this tool, see OfficeOnline_AuthControl.doc (0.03 MB).
Date Posted: November 16, 2005
Audience: IT Professional/Server Administrator

Office Server Pre-Upgrade Tool [PreScan.zip] (0.01 MB)
Purpose: This tool will scan the v2 server and provide IT admins with:
number of sites in the portal
number of custom templates
number of “unghosted” pages

This will help customers determine how they should split up their upgrade and if they have work to do for their custom templates.

Note: The pre-scan tool is included with Beta-1. It is mandatory to run this on v2 servers before upgrade. This tool can be run from the same location as stsadm.

Date Posted: November 16, 2005

Audience: IT Professional/Server Administrator

A note about the To-Do Bar Flags Categories and Outlook 2003 flags.msg (0.08 MB)
Purpose: The purpose of the file is to prepare Dogfood4 (TAP) Outlook To-Do Bar/flag users for the changes that we have made in Beta-1. Contains steps that all dogfood 4 users should follow before installing Beta-1 so that you have a good start in Beta-1. It also provides an explanation for the changes that you will see in the Beta.
Date Posted: November 16, 2005
Audience: Client End User; IT Professional/Server Administrator

VBE6.DLL version to replace Office 12 Japanese Beta 1 version (2.37 MB)
Purpose: This file replaces the Beta-1 version of VBE6.DLL on Office 12 Japanese version. Currently, the Beta-1 version has a problem with double byte character sets where certain characters in VBA are not able to be entered or read, thus preventing VBA code from properly executing.

To use: Download this file and replace VBE6.DLL, located in Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA6.

Date Posted: November 16, 2005

Audience: Client End User; Expert User; IT Professional/Server Administrator

Windows Workflow Foundation Platform Components Beta 1.2 for x86.exe (2.22 MB)
Purpose: This version of Windows Workflow Foundation is compatible with release versions of Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, and is compatible with Office “12” (Beta 1). The Windows Workflow Foundation Beta 1.2 runtime components are required for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services “3.0” (Beta 1), Office “12” servers (Beta 1), and “FrontPage 12” (Beta 1).
Date Posted: November 16, 2005

Audience: Client End User; Expert User; IT Professional/Server Administrator; Solution Developer

Solution Developer

Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for Windows Workflow Foundation Beta 1.2.exe (103.36 MB)
Purpose: This version of Windows Workflow Foundation is compatible with release versions of Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, and is compatible with Office “12” (Beta 1). The Windows Workflow Foundation Beta 1.2 runtime components are required for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services “3.0” (Beta 1), Office “12” servers (Beta 1), and “FrontPage 12” (Beta 1).
Date Posted: November 16, 2005

Audience: Solution Developer

Windows Workflow Foundation Platform Components Beta 1.2 for x86.exe (2.22 MB)
Purpose: This version of Windows Workflow Foundation is compatible with release versions of Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, and is compatible with Office “12” (Beta 1). The Windows Workflow Foundation Beta 1.2 runtime components are required for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services “3.0” (Beta 1), Office “12” servers (Beta 1), and “FrontPage 12” (Beta 1).
Date Posted: November 16, 2005

Audience: Client End User; Expert User; IT Professional/Server Administrator; Solution Developer

#12550   | 19.11.05 14:09
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Из: Russia Москва
Род занятий:

Ты бы конкретные названия жирненьким выделил, сливается всё, когда читаешь.

#12558   | 19.11.05 17:57
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Из: Russia Краснодар
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Так гораздо лучше читаеться.

#12561   | 19.11.05 19:13
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Из: Russia Chelyabinsk
Род занятий: student

Ну вот вроде и всё. Попозже начну перевод

#12562   | 19.11.05 19:16
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Благодарностей: 2
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Хорошо ждем твоего перевода

#12580   | 19.11.05 21:37
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