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its very possible that Microsoft could launch Longhorn Beta 1 at the annual World Wide Partner Conference (considered to be the biggest to date and sold out), Friday July 8, 2005.


Right, this following passage of which can be used to determine when
Longhorn will be released as Beta1, Beta2, RTM and when it will be finally
released. Very clever. Sorry it's a bit of a gory one, but it works.


A man condemned to be hanged was sentenced on Saturday. "The hanging will
take place at noon," said the judge to the prisoner, "on one of the seven
days of next week. But you will not know which day it is until you are so
informed on the morning of the day of the hanging." The judge was known to
be a man who always kept his word. The prisoner, accompanied by his lawyer,
went back to his cell. As soon as the two men were alone, the lawyer broke
into a grin. "Don't you see?" he exclaimed. "The judge's sentence cannot
possibly be carried out."

"I don't see," said the prisoner.

"Let me explain They obviously can't hang you next Saturday. Saturday is the
last day of the week. On Friday afternoon you would still be alive and you
would know with absolute certainty that the hanging would be on Saturday.
You would know this before you were told so on Saturday morning. That would
violate the judge's decree."

"True," said the prisoner.

"Saturday, then is positively ruled out," continued the lawyer. "This leaves
Friday as the last day they can hang you. But they can't hang you on Friday
because by Thursday only two days would remain: Friday and Saturday. Since
Saturday is not a possible day, the hanging would have to be on Friday. Your
knowledge of that fact would violate the judge's decree again. So Friday is
out. This leaves Thursday as the last possible day. But Thursday is out
because if you're alive Wednesday afternoon, you'll know that Thursday is to
be the day."

"I get it," said the prisoner, who was beginning to feel much better. "In
exactly the same way I can rule out Wednesday, Tuesday and Monday. That
leaves only tomorrow. But they can't hang me tomorrow because I know it

.... He is convinced, by what appears to be unimpeachable logic, that he
cannot be hanged without contradicting the conditions specified in his
sentence. Then on Thursday morning, to his great surprise, the hangman
arrives. Clearly he did not expect him. What is more surprising, the judge's
decree is now seen to be perfectly correctly. The sentence can be carried
out exactly as stated.


Need I say more? Stop bloody whinging, it'll be released when it's bloody
ready. "I want to download Longhorn" this, "I want Longhorn" that. My 2 year
old daughter has cancer, but I still want to bloody test it. We all have
more higher priorities than a bloody piece of software. I'd forfit a place
on Beta1 for my daughter's health I really would. Those out there who are
good enough to test it, WILL test it. Have faith in the Mr. Brannigan, he
know's what he's doing.

All the best.


#3733   | 28.06.05 23:36
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Из: Estonia Таллинн
Род занятий:

Все говорят, перечитал кучу забугорных форумов, так и все сходяцца к этому числу.

#3793   | 07.07.05 01:58
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Из: Russia Omsk
Род занятий:

Ну значит завтра будем качать

#3796   | 07.07.05 13:53
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Из: Russia Omsk
Род занятий:

Вот и 8 июлю а инфы никакой

#3802   | 08.07.05 09:26
Не в сети
Сообщений: 260
Благодарностей: 0
Из: Estonia Таллинн
Род занятий:

ага, полный инет сцылок и все не фейковы... качай не хочу, мазафака...

#3935   | 13.07.05 02:03
Не в сети
Сообщений: 14
Благодарностей: 0
Из: Germany И-Нет
Род занятий: Коллекционер Windows!!!

ага, полный инет сцылок и все не фейковы... качай не хочу, мазафака...

Пожалуйста без Матов! Иначе прийдётся сообщать Николаю.

#3939   | 13.07.05 03:41
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