Microsoft сообщает о своих планах на Office 12
Microsoft разослала своим beta-тестерам информацию о том, что новый Office «12» выйдет во второй половине 2006 года, а новая версия (но пока что не Beta 2), которая будет работать и на Vista, следует ожидать уже в марте.
Точный текст:
Office "12" Product Naming and Delivery Dates
There has been some speculation recently about Office "12" product naming and delivery dates, and we wanted to let you know our official position on both. We have not yet announced final Office "12" product naming or packaging, but remain on track to deliver the next release of Microsoft Office products in the second half of 2006. As soon as we do release any information about either, we will notify you and provide links to the official press releases.
Coming Soon: Office "12" Beta-1 Technical Refresh Build
The Office "12" team is busily preparing to release a Beta-2 build of Office "12". While we continue working hard on this exciting new release, we have prepared a interim Beta-1 Technical Refresh build for you. Among other things, this build of Office "12" will allow Beta testers of Windows Vista to test Office "12" client applications on Windows Vista Feb. CTP. This interim build will be made available to you on BetaPlace ( in the March timeframe. We will contact you with additional details about the Technical Refresh as soon as it is available.
The Office "12" team is busily preparing to release a Beta-2 build of Office "12". While we continue working hard on this exciting new release, we have prepared a interim Beta-1 Technical Refresh build for you. <...> This interim build will be made available to you on BetaPlace ( in the March timeframe
Что переводится как "Команда разработчиков Office "12" занята подготовкой к выпуску Beta-2 билда. Пока мы работаем на этим проектом, мы так же подготовили к выпуску промежуточное обновление Beta-1. <...> Этот промежуточный билд будет доступен через сайт BetaPlace в Марте.
Так что никакой беты 2 в марте не будет.
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